3 months to 24 months
There are 6 STARFISH awards with the STA (Swimming Teacher's Association) International Learn to Swim programme. Our lessons follow these awards that are designed for water adventure and introduces water confidence and water safety. We will teach you lots of different holds for you baby in the water, how to safely introduce jumping in, encourage lots of play and submersion.
In these early classes we are encouraging play: letting our babies just be in the water and explore it with you is a vital beginning.
We take special care to build up trust with you and your baby, keeping the lesson baby led and helping you understand your baby's cues.
We keep things relaxed and gentle, teaching underwater swims, jumping in, floating, swimming on fronts and backs all through play and singing. This is a fabulous time to switch off and play with your baby. We hope you will enjoy this special time together.
Find out more about the STA STARFISH award series Book online